Track changes.
Share knowledge.
Empower your team.

Creating a great website is hard. Don't let lost knowledge make it harder. We provide easy, visual website documentation for teams.
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Illustration of a person overwhelmed by files and messages

Current Website Documentation

Fragmented, forgotten, and difficult (if present at all)

Arrow moving from overwhelmed person to happy person
Illustration of happy person using Tooma

Tooma for

A single source of truth in one collaborative platform

Website Documentation Made Easy

Web page with screen capture icon

Capture Changes

Website documentation has always been a manual and time-consuming task, which means it’s often neglected. Tooma makes it easy to document visual changes with quick screen captures and a simple notation process.

Web page history as scroll with magnifying glass

Browse Your History

Have the answers without spending hours looking for them. By documenting the important pages of your site when you make changes, you’ll have instant access to that knowledge when you and stakeholders need it most.

Chat bubbles showing collaboration

Promote Collaboration

Your team is built of amazing minds and specialized skills. Bring everyone together to share and record their insights in context. Empower your team to perform better by making knowledge visible, breaking down silos, and fueling collaboration.

File with employee picture

Prepare for Employee Attrition & Onboarding

Employees leave, memory is imperfect, and time is wasted trying to piece a story together months or years down the line. Keep all of that knowledge in one place for a rich story of your team’s work. New employees can see where you've been and everyone can see where you're going.

Stop Losing Valuable Knowledge

Start documenting your website changes the easy way.
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